How Does A Birth Chart Calculator Work?

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A birth chart calculator, which is also know as a natal chart calculator, is a tool used to create your birth chart. The chart is based on your birth date, time and location. This means that your birth chart represents the positions of the celestial bodies at the exact moment of your birth. These celestial bodies include the Sun, Moon and planets, along with other astrological points.

Let’s Take A Look At How A Birth Chart Calculator Typically Works

1 Your Birth Information

To use a birth chart calculator you need to provide your birth details as accurately as possible. These details include your date of birth – day/month/year. The time of your birth as closely as you can. The more precise you can be with your birth time the more accurate your birth chart will be. And you also need to provide the details of the place where you were born, again as accurately and as detailed as you can.

2 Calculating The Planetary Positions

In the creation of a birth chart complex algorithms and astronomical data are used to calculate the exact positions of the celestial bodies at the time and place of our birth. These include the Sun, Moon and planets, as well as other astrological points. The other astrological points include the Ascendant (rising sign) and the Midheaven which is the highest point in the sky at the time of your birth.

3 Creation Of A Birth Chart

Once all of the calculations are complete the birth chart calculator generates a visual representation of your birth chart. This is usually in the form of a circular chart that’s divided into twelve sections (although the shape of the chart can vary). These sections are called houses. Each house represents a different area in your life. And the planetary positions indicate their influence and interactions within those areas.

4 Interpretation

A birth chart calculator gives you the raw data of your birth chart. However, it doesn’t interpret the meaning held within it. Astrologers and/or astrology enthusiasts are generally the people that analyse and interpret your birth chart to give you insights into the meanings behind the chart. They can provide you with insights into such things as personality traits, life events, strengths and challenges. And also possible paths for your personal growth. The interpretations are based on the positions and aspects of the celestial bodies.

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Remember that birth chart calculators can vary. Some offer features such as a more detailed interpretation that can include compatibility analysis as well as other astrological insights. How in depth you want to go is up to you. Astrologers often use advanced software and their own astrological knowledge to provide a more comprehensive reading/interpretation based on your birth chart. It’s best to use a reputable astrologer for your birth chart, whether in person or online.