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Have you ever wondered how each phase of the Moon, also known as the lunar cycle, may affect your zodiac sign? The different phases of the Moon can affect each zodiac sign in a different way.
So let’s take a look at how they may affect Leo.
New Moon 🌑
The new Moon for Leo sparks your creativity and your desire for self-expression. It also ignites your sense of confidence and leadership. You will be inspired to pursue your passions and to set plans for personal growth.
Waxing Crescent 🌒
The waxing crescent for Leo energises your motivation and your enthusiasm which will empower you to take bold action. So when stepping into the spotlight your charisma and credibility will be strengthened.
First Quarter 🌓
The first quarter for Leo can present challenges that make you think about your leadership style. You’ll need to look within yourself for validation, and to find a balance between your personal targets and how you collaborate with others.
Waxing Gibbous 🌔
The waxing gibbous for Leo enhances your creativity and your self-assurance. It supports you in refining your artistic ventures while you inspire others and receive credit for your own talents.
Full Moon 🌕
The full Moon for Leo amplifies your natural magnetism and presence. It brings opportunities for powerful self-expression and encourages you to shine in the things you have planned.
Waning Gibbous 🌖
The waning gibbous for Leo prompts you to think about your impact and to let go of ego-driven tendencies. It’s a time to focus on your creativity and on your leadership skills for the benefit of others.
Last Quarter 🌗
The last quarter for Leo encourages you to reassess your goals and to get back in touch with your authentic self. Finding a balance between your personal achievements and your contribution to others are also part of the last quarter.
Waning Crescent 🌘
The waning crescent for Leo is a time for taking a break for self-reflection and to rejuvenate your creative side. Then to prepare for a new cycle of leadership and self-expression.
Note: The influences of the Moon phases can vary depending on individual birth charts along with other factors. The sections above give a general overview of how each phase of the Moon may affect Leo.