The Significance Of Moon Phases – Lunar Cycle

The moon plays a crucial role in astrology and spirituality. Apart from the fascination it holds with its changing appearance and glow, the moon is important when we’re looking into our astrological and spiritual nature. The moon has a cyclical nature itself which can be seen through the various moon phases.

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Let’s delve into the significance of the moon phases and take a look at how they effect our lives.

The Moon Phases

Moon phases are the different stages that the moon goes through as it orbits the Earth. The phases of the moon are the result of the relative positions of the Sun, Earth and the Moon itself.

Below are the primary Moon phases and their significance

New Moon

The new Moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle. The Moon appears completely dark in the sky because of it’s alignment between the Earth and the Sun. The new Moon symbolises new beginnings, fresh starts and a time for setting new intentions. It’s also a period for self-reflection, making plans and starting new projects.

Waxing Crescent

The waxing crescent is when a small sliver of the moon can be seen following a New Moon. This phase of the Moon represents expansion and growth. It also represents the time to take action on the intentions you set during the new Moon. It’s also a time to nurture ideas and lay the foundations for future ambitions.

First Quarter

The Moon continues to wax and reaches it’s first quarter phase. During this phase the Moon appears as a semicircle in the sky. This Moon phase encourages perseverance, making adjustments and overcoming challenges. Which means it prompts us to be decisive and to find creative solutions to the obstacles we’ve encountered along the way.

Waxing Gibbous

In the waxing gibbous phase the moon is still short of being full, but it still appears to be more than half illuminated. This Moon phase is a time for focusing on details and making necessary adjustments to ensure that everything is in place before it reaches it’s full potential. So it’s a good time for fine-tuning and further preparation and adjustment.

Full Moon

The full Moon is a visually striking phase and probably the most well known Moon phase. A full Moon happens when the Earth is positioned between the Sun and the Moon which makes the Moon appear fully illuminated. The full Moon symbolically represents higher energy and completion. It also symbolises a powerful time for realising which things no longer serve you well. And it can also be a time of celebration.

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Waning Gibbous

After the full Moon the Moon begins to wane. This is when the waning gibbous phase begins. During the waning gibbous phase the illuminated part of the Moon gradually decreases. This is the time for gratitude and reflection and also for letting go of what you no longer need. It’s the time to rid yourself of negative habits and emotions.

Last Quarter

The last quarter phase of the Moon is when the Moon appears as a semicircle again. But this time it’s illuminated on the opposite side from the first quarter. This phase encourages us to review our progress and to look at the lessons and wisdom we’ve learned. So introspection and reassessment are involved in our preparation for a new cycle.

Waning Crescent

The Moon enters the waning crescent phase at the end of the lunar cycle. The Moon becomes a small sliver which is barely visible in the sky. In this phase the emphasis is on spiritual renewal and introspection. Inner work, gentle healing, and connecting with your intuition before the new cycle begins, are all part of this Moon phase.

More About Moon Phases

The Moon phases are rhythmic and cyclical. The phases progress between darkness and light. They also change between periods of action and reflection, beginnings and endings. Understanding the significance of each phase of the Moon helps us to harness its power for personal growth and to align ourselves with its natural flow and energy.

By using the Moon’s phases as a guide and ally on our life journey we can enhance our personal development. And in deepening our connection with the Moon we also develop our relationship with nature, the cosmos and our inner selves.

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